5 Things You Should Be Asking Your Massage Therapist

It’s a wonderful feeling to find a massage therapist with whom you connect, especially when embarking on your massage journey. It’s crucial that you and your massage therapist are on the same page right from the start. When seeking a therapeutic massage in Auckland, this connection becomes even more significant as it enhances the overall experience and benefits of the treatment.

What are some questions that you should ask your massage therapist before booking an appointment?

What kind of massage am I looking for?

When you visit a massage therapist you usually have an ongoing problem, such as a persistent ache, a sore spot, or a niggle. Massage therapy is divided into many different branches. Each branch has been designed to address a specific complaint or treat things at a more general level. Your massage therapist will be able discuss the various types of treatments and determine which would be best for you.

How much pressure are you going to use?

Massage therapy is a personal experience. Everyone has different tolerance levels and preferences. Others may prefer a lighter touch, while others like it when their therapist digs deep. Don’t hesitate to ask your therapist what level of pressure is appropriate.

What happens if you experience something unusual?

Speak to your therapist to calm your fears. Many things that you might consider ‘out-of-the ordinary’ happen more frequently than you realize. It can be helpful to discuss the elephant in your room in order to stay informed and in the loop.

Can I get a silent massage?

Many people fear insulting or upsetting their massage therapists by politely telling them they don’t want to chat during the treatment. If you want to be silent but instead have to talk to your therapist, tell them. You won’t offend them! If you do, then it’s time to look for a new therapist.

What will I feel like in the morning?

You should know what to expect from a massage, so that you are not surprised when you feel a little tender or have some other unexpected effects. Ask your therapist what you may feel like in a few days or hours so that you are prepared and not surprised.

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