Fitness marketing hacks for personal trainers

It isn’t easy to know what information is useful and what isn’t. Fitness marketing experts have different opinions. You can’t know which direction to go!

We’ve put together a list of 50 fitness marketing tricks, tips, and tactics that will work for any fitness business.

Instead of spending hours reading through 50 blog posts, 30 emails, and countless case studies, you can grab a cup of coffee and absorb 50 fitness professionals’ best marketing strategies.

Emailing Inactive Leads

Carl, one of our clients, was trying to reactivate non-active leads by using an email list of clients and tips he had collected over his years of business.

Carl sent an email to all the people on his list, asking them if they would be interested in personal training (Buy My Stuff). Carl sent an email to everyone on the list asking if they were interested in personal training (“Buy My Stuff”), and all received it.

You’d be surprised if I asked you to purchase my products if I hadn’t talked to you for 12 months.

The tactic is first to establish rapport via email and then send a special offer. Ask them how they are and say hello first.

When was the last contact you had with an old client or customer? You shouldn’t even answer. Just do it.

Reaching out in Person

You need to automate many tasks in order to scale your fitness business. It means that as much marketing and sales is done automatically via your personal trainer’s website, funnels, and email list.

Real-time interpersonal communication is rare and, therefore, extremely powerful. It’s never been more powerful to have a real conversation with a potential client, as people are used to everything being automated. Interacting with a person is “going the extra mile” and delivering high-quality service.

How do you do it?

You can help people by meeting them or talking to them on the phone. Your extra effort will stand out from other trainers who are just trying to sell without any interaction.

You can use these numbers to your advantage if you have collected the phone numbers of potential clients.

Talk to them and focus on how you can assist them. Even if you don’t get a client, they will recommend you to other people.

Headlines with Numbers

According to Conductor’s research, headlines with odd numbers have a better CTR (click-through rate) than headlines with even numbers.

Outbrain, in an analysis of more than 3 million headlines, found that using [brackets] to a headline increased CTR by 38 percent.

Use the above advice to promote your older blog posts. Promote them using social marketing by following the above rules.

Niche Groups

You can get new customers if you find out where potential clients are online and go to them.

Look for groups on Facebook, Meetup, and forums that have local interest-based communities. Join them and start interacting. Do not just make a pitch. That will be very unattractive. Instead, engage, provide value, and demonstrate that you’re an expert without having to say anything.

You will be approached by people who want to know more about your work.

What is your most-read blog post? Repurpose that content into a video series. The subject has already been shown to be very popular, so you can pretty much guarantee that it will be a success.

Instead of trying to create new content constantly, let your audience tell you what they are interested in. Then, expand on that through different media.

Find out which blog posts are most popular by using your website builder statistics, Google Analytics, or an app such as Buzzsumo.

You can use them to create an email incentive (PDF), a short course via email, or even a video series.

Onboarding Videos

If someone joins something, such as an email list, has purchased a product, or signed up for consultation, you can create a connection by sending them a 30-to-90-second video introducing yourself and explaining what they should expect. This will help to build a relationship and ensure that they are confident in their decision and do not suffer from buyer’s remorse.

This is a small example of how to create a fitness business people will love.

You can record yourself or ask someone else to do it for you. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You are against a blank space or wall, looking professional.

Say hello; thank you for joining. You appreciate their service and are excited to work together on their goals. That’s it. Fitness Marketing at its finest.

Negative Social Proof

Arizona Petrified Forest used this sign to test the social proof of negative theft.

The findings were shocking. The amount of theft tripled!

It was evidence that other people had already been stealing from forests. The perpetrators became more confident in their theft.

Many personal trainers use scarcity and fear to get their friends, fans, and followers into action.

The worst thing that can happen is, “Most people do not do this.”

What if, by saying that it’s OK to do nothing because no one else does it, you are actually encouraging people not to? Be sure that your content promotes positive norms and does not encourage negative ones.

Facebook Group Performance

Have you ever wondered how your Facebook group is performing? You can see all sorts of statistics, including group growth and interaction.

Both desktop and mobile devices can be used to access group insights. You can find all sorts of stats to help you understand your group members’ preferences and interactions.

Your Highlight Reel

Have you ever had a collection of blog posts that you always refer to in social media discussions or posts that rank high on search engines and receive lots of shares?

You can use these blogs to create a new blog.

Please write a short introduction about your most popular blogs, explaining why they are so popular and what the visitor to your website will gain from reading them. Then, turn this content into a blog post.

You can create a “Popular Posts” menu item in your website navigation bar or blog sidebar.

Be Good Enough Online

You want to launch your fitness site as soon as possible, but you need it to be perfect first?

As soon as you can, get things moving. Then, tweak, improve, and test. Perfection is the enemy of progress. I see many PTs who wait to launch a service or product until their PT site has been fully developed or they have moved into a new gym.

Start posting stuff online as soon as you can. Test and improve constantly. By removing something that you think is “good enough” and moving forward, you will achieve much more.

Pick a starting point and build it from the ground up. As soon as you are live and receiving real-time feedback, change one thing at a. time. See if this improves your conversion rate. All websites, opt-ins, and sales pages should be constantly tested.

Get a free T-shirt.

Free stuff is a big hit. Free stuff can be damaging to your business. You’ve probably received stationary or other junk that you never use.

Give away something that people can use and will not only remind them of your company but everyone else around them as well!

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